Fussing & FightingARC065

- Together
- Queen and Country
- Visions of Fate
- Secrets
- Stop the Fussing and Fighting
- Slow Down
- No One Gives
- Youth Is Calling
- Frustration
- Together Live
- Visions of Fate
- Untogether
With a shared passion for music The X-Certs were inspired by the punk explosion and (in a rather unpunk fashion) spent evenings rehearsing in the crypt of St. Luke's Church, Barton Hill, putting together a set of original and cover material. Publicity was free and home made, Lawrence Hill underpass providing one public wall for the spray painted slogan:
The X-Certs, a new band is coming - you have been warned!
Thus, with curious interest preceeding them, The X-Certs began gigging in Bristol, in 1978.
From the very beginning the band were politically motivated and early gigs were filled with songs detailing the frustrations of the time and perhaps therefore, attracted what could be perceived as a rougher element to their gigs. The truth, however, was that the majority of the audience were a friendly bunch and when The X-Certs encored with "Do You Wanna Dance", regulars at the gigs knew this was their cue to invade the stage, grab a mic and sing along. At times, with more people on stage than off it, it must have seemed like a lager fuelled free for all! It may have been quite intimidating to the innocent bystander but it was always fantastic fun and helped to earn the band a reputation for being a good live act. Soon, early performances headlining at Trinity Church were easily drawing in 400-500 people; not bad for a local band without a record deal!

- Together
- Untogether
Recorded at Crescent Studios Bath UK
Engineered by David Lord
Produced by Steve Street
Rated XXXARC138

- Anthem
- Together
- Blue Movies
- People of Today
- You Have Been Warned
- Spotlight
- City Claustrophobia
- Suicide
- Fight Back
- Gotta Get Away
» BUY NOW on Vinyl and CD
Vinyl LP - Limited Edition 500 Pressing. This edition includes a Limited Edition Insert with stories from all four members of the band, introduction by Shane Baldwin and never seen before pictures.
Released 8th August 2011